Lovest Thou Me More Than These?
“Lovest thou Me more than these?” Okay, that’s the King James, but that’s the way I originally learned it. Since then I’ve used the NIV and now the ESV Bible translations. But the words that spoke to me, that jumped out at me almost as though they had been spoken in my ear were from my memory of the King James Version. It’s a very familiar story. Peter had denied Jesus, not once but three times—and that was after he assured Jesus he would never do such a thing. Since then, Jesus had been crucified and raised again and had appeared to many of His followers. I’m sure you’ve heard as many sermons on this passage (John 21:15-17) as I have. How much did Peter love Jesus? What kind of love did he have for his Savior? The application to ourselves is obvious. But, as in all lessons, it takes longer for some of us to learn than others. Or it takes viewing them in another way. Or learning them again and again. ...