The Promise of Newness

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. Psalm 19: 1,2 Do you, like me, ever find yourself in awe of the beauty of this world? We have the sunrise and the sunset, the twinkling of stars in a vast dark sky. We experience the wonder of changing seasons: Spring with its glorious new life, that special green as leaves begin to appear, lawns that change from brown to green, trees that blossom, newborn animals, spires from bulbs pushing their way up from the thawing earth, the tug-of-war between winter and summer... Then summer triumphs, bringing warmth and dense foliage, blooming flowers, longer days of work and play, evenings with the sounds of birds and crickets, summer storms and the fresh smell after the rains... As summer wanes, the days grow shorter, the air cools, the leaves exchange their verdant clothes for colorful garments before curli...