
Recently I had a young woman tell me her marriage relationship had gotten stale and so she and her husband were hoping to get away for a purely fun day. I understand what she meant, although I would be more likely to say marriage becomes a habit—a good habit. We all seem to long for that extra zip, the energy, the passion that was there in the beginning. But life becomes busy and feelings are almost buried beneath all our activity. But we also find that eventually in our familial relationships. We know we love our parents, but our emotions remain fairly steady. And those babies we couldn't stop kissing, the toddlers who bring so much joy we just want to hug them, those children we continue to smother with hugs and kisses even when their heads smell sweaty—they grow to be surly teenagers often shrugging off our attempts at affection. Then they get busy with their own lives. We still love them, but the feelings are no longer I-want-to-run-up-and-hug-them! But there are ways we ...