Becoming Servants
Have you ever thought about the mentality of a slave? I mean, slaves were people just like we are. They had personalities, complete with dreams and hopes. Yet they lived in constant subjection to others—and not by choice! I remember thinking a lot about slavery when I was younger. Admittedly, my motivation was because I felt like a slave to my family—and resented it! My children were small and demanding and my husband wasn't home much. Cleaning. Laundry. Ironing. Cleaning. Grocery shopping. Meals. Cleaning. Diapers. Toilet training. Cleaning. Budgeting. Scrimping. Cleaning. Peacekeeping. Baths. Cleaning. Need I say more? I wondered how slaves did it—day after day, at the beck and call of owners who failed to recognize them as persons, persons who needed rest and refreshment. The difference is that I wouldn't have traded my "slavery" for anything in the world because, in spite of the fact that I might complain, I loved my family more than I hated the drudgery. And...