
Showing posts from April, 2016
I realize it's been quite some time since I posted and decided it was time to share my personal testimony of salvation. As a core leader at Community Bible Study, I was called upon to prepare a sample testimony that would take just three minutes or less to share. Actually, our whole Finger Lakes class was to do so, but we core leaders were to model the presentation. Anyway, the following is what I shared with my core group. This week, the ladies in my core group will share their testimonies.      I always believed in God. My parents taught me that Jesus was God-become-man, born of a virgin; that He died on the cross to bear the punishment for my sins and then rose again. I believed every word they taught me.     Although I was very young (7 years old), there came a day when I understood that belief was not enough. I remember one Sunday after church service, my father leaned toward me to say he sensed I was convicted during the message. I remember goi...