Why Salvation in Christ?

I have a very good friend whose son and his wife do not follow the Lord. However, she and her husband took their grandsons to Sunday School whenever possible. One week, however, their one grandson announced that he didn’t want to come with them anymore. After questioning, they discovered that a Sunday School teacher continually told him that if he didn’t accept Jesus as his Savior, he would go to hell. Scare tactics. With that in mind and our recent exercise of preparing and sharing our testimonies of salvation for Community Bible Study, I began to think about why we should be saved, how we can present the Gospel in a positive way. First of all, hell is very real. Jesus taught about it. But never once did Jesus say, “I came to save you from Hell.” But He did say, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). According to the note in my Ryrie Study Bible, this was the purpose of our Lord’s coming to earth—to seek and to save the lost. But we don’t always reco...