
Showing posts from November, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 I am ever so thankful for so many things: family, health, friends... I am especially thankful for the salvation provided by God through Christ Jesus. But as I thought back over my life, I have to admit surprise at what I discovered to be a main reason for thanksgiving: the trials in my life. I know that must sound strange, but I realized that the major difficulties in my life brought changes in me that cause rejoicing. Let me cite a few: First there was the time my husband was laid off for ten months. I think I've shared before that I used to be a real worrier, especially about our finances. But it was through learning how to worship and praise God during the stress of living on my part-time paycheck plus stretching the severance he received when his job ended. I often turned to key passages (Isaiah 40, Job 38-41, various Psalms) to help me think abo...

Gleaning New from the Familiar

This morning, as I read Mark's account of the rich young man (Mark 10:17-27), several things jumped out at me in a new way. You remember the story. A young man came to Jesus and asked what he must do to inherit eternal life . After discussing the commandments that the young man had kept all his life, Mark notes that Jesus, looking at him, loved him...  Why have I never noticed or thought about Jesus' love for this young man? Yet, in spite of His great love, He knew what His questioner treasured most and asked him to be willing to part with the treasures of his heart—his wealth and belongings. I imagine this young man had worked very hard to accumulate those possessions and perhaps felt an inordinate pride in his accomplishments. Whatever the reasons, he was disheartened and went away sorrowful. He chose his treasures over eternal life! How that must have saddened our Lord Jesus! He loved the young man yet asked the seemingly impossible of him. What would I have done in h...


Some of my best times of communion with God are on the examining table, waiting for the doctor to come in for the dreaded cystoscopy. That's where he inserts a tiny camera through my twisted uretha into my bladder to make sure there is no return of cancer. It's not the fear of a bad report that has me pondering Isaiah 43:1-3; it's the fear of the pain inflicted during the exam. Often the discomfort is minimal but other times... Yesterday was one of those other times. But as I lay there and recited those verses is my head, it lead to a wonderful time of praise and thanksgiving. Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. Wow! The God of all creation has called me by name and I am His. One of millions and yet I can have a private conversation with Him while thousands of others are also having private conversations with Him. I continue to stand in awe of my incredible God. Sometimes I picture Him like a thick blanket wrapped around the e...