Faith Like Abraham's

January cold spell. Winter blanketing the earth with a coat of white. Trees stretching barren limbs outward. Colorful blooms in the garden long since faded away. But spring and summer will come again. We know they will even though there is no current evidence of verdant life. That's faith! Free of doubts because we've experienced this "rebirth" of nature all the years of our lives. But what about those unseen burdens we carry? The AWOL grandson, the antagonistic brother, the deeply personal concerns... Do we have the same faith, free of doubts? Can we trust God because of answered prayers throughout our lives? Is it possible for human beings to trust that completely no matter what, no matter how long, even without evidence that God is working behind the scenes? The Bible is filled with examples of men and women who took God at His word, who believed his promises even when they did not see their fulfillment. Hebrews 11 lists many of them. But I'm thinking of ...