
Reading Ecclesiastes once again, I didn't find it as gloomy as in the past. Perhaps because I read the whole book at once, giving a better perspective to its meaning.

I found it amusing that two well known sayings seem to come from this book, although reworded. The first is "Eat, drink and be merry", although I don't think the references it comes from mean quite what it has come to mean in our culture.

There is nothing better for a person
than that he should eat and drink
and find enjoyment in his toil.
Ecclesiastes 2:24

The second is, "A little birdie told me":

...for a bird of the air will carry your voice, 
or some winged creature tell the matter.
Ecclesiastes 10:20

Yet the real theme of the book seems to be that life is short and all we do in this life is in vain. But the author's conclusion is that only the fear of God really matters. That makes me recall a little thyme I always loved:

Only one life 'twill soon be past;
Only what's done for Christ will last. 

Along with Solomon's conclusion is a warning I see for my grandchildren, but one we should all heed, that there are consequences for the choices we make.

Rejoice, O young man, in your youth,
and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth.
Walk in the ways of your heart 
and the sight of your eyes.
BUT know that for all these things
God will bring you into judgment.
Ecclesiastes 11:9

Our culture seems to be screaming at us to indulge in pleasure, any pleasure. But what Solomon points out that our culture seems to forget is that there will be consequences, that God will bring judgment at some point. Following this warning is another conclusion:

Remember also your Creator
in the days of your youth.
Ecclesiastes 12:1

I don't know about you, but my youth is gone, even though I sometimes forget that. How my heart cries out with grief as I think of the young people on my prayer list who have chosen to go their own way, not God's way, disregarding eternal consequences if not earthly. Hepatitis C has been a consequence for many of my generation; AIDS is another. Of course, the truth is that all disease and weeds and natural disasters are consequences of sin that came into being once Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. 

The end of the matter; all has been heard.
Fear God and keep his commandments, 
for this is the whole duty of man.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
with every secret thing,
whether good or evil.
Ecclesiastes 12:13.


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