Our Eternal Creator
Before the mountains were brought forth
or ever you had formed the earth and world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
Psalm 90:2
I think you would agree that it's not that hard to believe, to sense, to think of eternity to come. But to try to grasp eternity past is more than our finite minds can comprehend. Yet God always was, just as He always is and always will be.
That's why it makes sense to me that God named Himself "I Am" when He called Moses (Exodus 3:14). He just IS! Before time, which He created, He was. And is. And will be. The same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
As the psalmist says, God existed before the mountains, before the earth itself. God was there before there was anything!
Although we know that, although we assent to that fact mentally, we struggle with the nothingness of His pre-existence. We have a beginning, even though we have no memory of that beginning. The very fact of our beginning makes it difficult to comprehend a Being—especially a Triune Being—with no beginning.
We have never known nothingness, so mankind tries to explain the beginning of everything we know in ways that our limited minds can grasp, even though those explanations never satisfy completely.
Could God create the heavens and the earth in a mere six days? It seems incredible, but we are used to taking existing raw materials with which to "create", to fashion, to build. God, on the other hand, created everything we know from absolutely nothing!
Chapter one of Genesis tells us that God spoke and things came into existence. Another stumbling block for so many who try to figure out all the details. But is it really that difficult when you realize that God was creating from nothing? How else would He create something from nothing? And our all-knowing God could plan and speak it into existence in so much less time than it would take any of us to make anything at all from raw materials. Just think of how long it takes to make a quilt or knit a sweater or sew a garment! To build a house, plant a garden, or paint a picture. Yet God could speak and have it completed in moments without the purchase of fabric or yarn or wood or whatever materials are needed. He spoke His creations in perfect detail, right down to the tiniest atom.
God made mankind in His image with an eternal soul, which is why we sense that we will always exist in some form. Oh, how man has stumbled over even this thought, trying to figure out what will follow this life. Hence all the other religions. Yet we have the revelation of God Himself in His Word. How much simpler and more satisfactory to believe what He has revealed. How can we not stand in awe and worship such a great Creator?!
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