Prepared for Anything, Part I

I recently spoke at a ladies' luncheon at LeTourneau Christian Camp. I thought I would divide that talk into segments and share it with you here. Since there are six "lessons" I learned through pivotal times in my life, I will divide my talk into those six portions. I pray they will be as helpful to you as they have been to me. Part one follows.

We live in a culture that seems to believe our circumstances shape us.  In a sense, they do, but I contend that it is our response to those circumstances that shape us. And our response is predicated by our thoughts, by what we fill our minds with. In turn, our thoughts either prepare us for whatever the future holds or leave us floundering in helplessness and despair when trials come our way.

I was blessed to grow up in a home where studying Scripture was a priority. My grandfather could quote a verse for every situation. Right up to his death, my Dad was a sought-after Bible study teacher. By the time I was a teenager, I already had a deep love for the Word of God instilled in me.

The first time I found myself in a position where I needed to defend my beliefs was in high school sociology class. My teacher was a self-proclaimed atheist, yet he could quote lots of Scripture. And twist it for his own purposes. I spent many evenings with my Dad searching Scriptures and commentaries for the answers to my questions, which raised more questions in my analytical mind. Dad always encouraged questioning as long as I never lost sight of the Bible as God’s word and therefore absolutely true.

Lesson #1:  The Bible always has the answers. Sometimes I need people to help me find those answers.

  All Scripture is breathed out by God
and is profitable for teaching, 
for reproof,
for correction,
and for training in righteousness,
that the [man/woman] of God may be complete,
equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16


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