The Wonder of It All

Watching the birds outside my window on this sunny morning causes me to worship God the Creator.  Perhaps it's their contrast, the way they stand out so vividly against the sparkling blanket of snow.  These tiny creatures who, with their tiny pea brains, know how to fend for themselves as well as how they manage to remain comfortable.  We as humans need layers of clothing in winter to feel warm and as few layers as possible in the summer to keep somewhat cool. Yet these little birds have feathers that apparently keep them warm in winter and cool in summer—comfortable.  I'm sure they took shelter from the wind that caused so many formations in that sparkling snow.

Look at the birds of the air: 
they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, 
yet your heavenly Father feeds them. 
Are you not of more value than they? 
Matthew 6:26

What a wonder that our Creator God is so detailed, providing for the birds of the air even though we are more valuable than they! What a comfort to know that He cares for us, too, because we are more important to Him than they are.
I find even the snow formations cause me to stop in wonder and appreciation for my God and all of His creation. The center section of our long driveway is chunky and crystalline. Where the wind blew between houses, we have grass peeking through, bordered by piled-up snow that resembles layers of slate. The smooth surface beyond those layers is marred only by the rabbit tracks, more evidence of wild life in God's tender care.

The wind blows where it wishes,
and you hear its sound,
but you do not know where it comes from
or where it goes.
So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.
John 3:8

And I certainly heard the wind blowing last night, but could only see the results. In fact, last evening I watched the snow swirling around as the wind blew across the land. It was still snowing at that point, but this morning all was calm; only the results gave proof of its passing. I pray that my life also gives proof that I have indeed been born of the Spirit.


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